Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Инноваци - Шинэ Санаа, Шинэ Нээлт, 2008, 1(5-1)
( Шүүмж, эргэцүүлэл )

The Current Situation of Dental Research Institute, School of Dentistry

The Dental Research Institute (DRI ) at the School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Mongolia (HSUM) was founded in June, 2007 by initiation of the management of School of Dentistry and approved by the leadership of HSUM. The School of Dentistry is undergoing a major structural change to reach international standard in dental education, academic research and clinical services according to the mission (Figure 1). Therefore, in order to strengthen holistic approach and based on the evaluation of current dental research situation as well as to meet the needs of the school there was a necessity to establish the research institute as a binding and directing institution in the field of research.
The core functions of the DRI are: formulating research policy; planning and executing fundamental, need-based clinical studies in the area of dentistry to enhance oral health for the people of Mongolia; communicating with similar local and international organizations; promoting joint research by coordinating activities among advanced projects and cooperation for education, including exchange of researchers and students.
The DRI provides a resource of information to support study activities of students and research personnel at the School of Dentistry as well as supports training opportunities and conferences, presently within framework of own capacity. In addition, DRI is responsible for the academic research programs of graduate students, where previously Master degree and PhD students belonged to supervised faculty teachers of respective departments; they are now consolidated under umbrella of the DRI (Figure 2). In total 12 graduate students were enrolled for the study year 2007-2009 and involved in the daily work routine of the Institute beside their classes and research. Other issues: raising funds, finding opportunities and awards, and other resources.
Since commencement of the Institute, within the five months, the following works has been done in two main directions: locally and internationally.
- R R aised fund for the establishment of the Institute’s office at the School of Dentistry;
- Supported organization of the FDI and MDA (Mongolian Dental Association) joint conference in Ulaanbaatar;
Established Speech Therapy Cabinet for patients with Cleft Lip and Palate at the Mother and Child Health Research Center;
- Preparation for publication of research work summary;
- Preparation for joint genetic research with the Japanese Research Team on Congenital Oligodontia;
- Project on translation of the “Oral Pathology” textbook from English origin;
As mentioned before, the DRI provides a resource of research information/original papers done by Mongolians to support study activities of students and research personnel at the School of Dentistry. To our knowledge, from 1974 to 2007 total number of research papers submitted to fulfill the requirements for the Master Degree and the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy reached 60 (Figure 3). But due to the absence of integral management in the past, currently at the DRI we could collect and keep only 35 original copies of research studies conducted during the period of 1974-2007. From the total of 35 theses: 22 were submitted for the Master Degree (1996-2007) and 13 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Areas of study: Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery- 7 academic papers (4 PhD and 3 MD); Maxillofacial Orthognatics – 2 (1 MD and 1 PhD); Prosthodontics - 7 (3 PhD and 4 MD); Operative Dentistry – 17 (14 MD and 3 PhD); Preventive Dentistry – 2 (MD). Therefore, as a priority and short-term activity, there is an essential need in finding and gathering of hard and soft copies of research works and to create database in order to setting up researcher-supportive, time-saving centralized information center.
Future vision is to give an opportunity for the researchers to be engaged in a variety of the leading joint research projects in order to produce outstanding researchers and significant research results for the sake of patients; to enhance human resource capacity and learning environment for the dental research.



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Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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