Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2005, 2(1)
Risk factors of Male Infertility in Mongolian men Bayasgalan
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Bayasgalan G1, Naranbat D1, Amarjargal O1, Radnaabazar J1, Lhagvasuren V2, Rowe PJ3

1 State Research Center on Maternal Child Health, Mongolia
2 Health Sciences University of Mongolia
1 Reproductive Health Consultant, Vesancy, France
Aim of the study was to determine the most common risk factors of male infertility among Mongolian men attending an infertility clinic. This is a prospective, case-control study was conducted in which 430 men were enrolled. They were divided into two groups depending on the results of their semen analysis: 191 cases with abnormal semen versus 239 men with normal semen profile. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that testicular volume and a history of sexually transmitted infections, epididymitis and testicular damage have statistically significant associations with semen abnormality. Adjusted odds ratios of 3.4 for mumps orchitis, 2.3 for other orchitis and 3.9 for testicular injury were found. Gonorrhoea, the most commonly reported sexually transmitted infections in this study, gave an adjusted odds ratio of 1.0 for having one or more sperm abnormality. An adjusted odds ratio for subjects with a history of other sexually transmitted infections was 2.7. However, as a predictor of azoospermia, sexually transmitted infections had very high odds ratio, being 5.6 in patients with gonorrhoea and 7.6 in patients with other sexually transmitted infections.

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Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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