Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Онош, 2008, (038) 2008.No2(038)
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

D.Tungalagtamir1, P.Batkhuyag2, S.Tsetsegmaa3, G.Naran4, S.Khishgee5

h2-3'4Health Siences University, 5State Central Clinical hospital, Precilab laboratory


Oxytropis muricata (Pall) DC that is widely used in traditional Mongolian medicine is spread in Khubsugul, Kentei, Mongolian Dauria, and Gobi Altai geographical plant zones.

S.Tsetsegmaa (1992) conducted detailed phylochemical study of this plant and established that it's upperground pail contains llavonoids including keinpferol, kcmpl'erol diglycozide-robinin 0.88±0.008%.

Purpose of our study consists of studying and establishing of some pharmacological effects of main biological active substances Robinine contained Oxytropis muricata (Pall) DC. Objectives of the study was to study diuretic effects of robinine, which isolated from Oxytropis muricata (Pall) DC and to study effect of robinine in blood creatinine level on exterimental animals.

The study has been performed at department of Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmacology and Pathology of Health Sciences University of Mongolia.

Herb of Oxytropis muricata (Pall) DC collected in blossom time from the territory of Khankh sum, Khubsugul was isolated as study robinine. For the Pharmacology we used 54 white mice and 12 rabbits.

Was established diuretic effect of the isolated robinine was introduced per orally to white mice by Tredlenburg method in condition of water and salt load. For the identification Na* and K+ we used PERKIN ELMER apparatus in institute of Physical technology and to identification CL" used Mor method in institute Chemical technology.

The study effect of robinine on blood creatinine level during the 5 days was injected in
subcutaneous 1%HgCI2 (0.7ml/kg) to rabbits in order to create in them pathological sample (B.A.Angarskaya.1965). Introducing robinine per orally before treatment and on 7th day 14lh days was measured blood creatinine level and on 14lh day kidneys of experimental animals was done to histological analyses.

For studying of diuretic effects of robinine experimented on mices 2 groups. The robinine with the dose 4mg/kg was given to the mice of the experimental group. And the same amount of distilled water was given to the mice of the control group. During the same time, the amounts of urine by mices were compared. The 4mg/kg dose of robinine increases the diuretic effect in the experimental animals by 20.6%. Were determined in urine amount of Na* K* and CI" ions. Amount of Na* increased from 0.31 ±0.078 mg/l to 1,28+0.0029mg/l, K* increased from 1.326+0.098 mg/l to 1.371+0.01 mg/l, Cf increased from 0.367+0.099 mg/l to 0.69+0.076 mg/l. The result of the study, the robinine is possible to increase diuretic effect by suppressing of the reabsorbtion ofNa* and CTions through the kidney tubule.

For studying of robinine's action on the level of creatinine in blood we choosed 8 chinchilla strain rabbits were taken for the experiment, and a pathologic model was produced in the kidney of those rabbits by injecting subcutaneous 0.7ml/ kg daily dose of 1% HgCI2 solution for 5 days. Then, they were given a daily intake of 4mg/kg robinine as a treatment, and the level of creatinine in their blood were determined on the 7lh and 14lh day of treatment, at the Precilab of the State

Central Clinical Hospital, and a kidney tissue histological analysis was made on the 14lh day. The robinine reduces the level of creatinine in the blood of experimental animals by 19.5% in comparison with the control group animals. By Histo-morphological study of kidney tissues The Control group have occurred an inter-focal inflammation of kidney tissue and a deep protein change of tubule covering cells. The
Experimental group has a very small focal inflammation of kidney tissue, post-inflammation focal scarring, and a fullness of vein blood.

We had conclusions that pure isolated Robinine from Oxytropis muricata (Pall) DC. increases animal urine excretion by 20.6 percent. The robinine relieves the kidney poisonous toxic inflammation, and has a treating effect to reduce the level of creatinine in blood.

Ном зүй

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