Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Эх барих, эмэгтэйчүүд, хүүхэд судлалын сэтгүүл, 2009, 2(6)
Жирэмсний хожуу хордлогын эмнэлзүйн шинж, лаборатори, хүйн артерийн допплер шинжилгээний өөрчлөлт
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Т.Эрхэмбаатар, П.Отгонбаяр, С.Нармандах, М.Тоджаргал, Д.Лхамжав, Л.Оюунчимэг, Б.Пагма,  Ц.Үржиндэлгэр, Р.Эрдэнэсувд, Ш.Алтантуяа  



Study aim: To study clinical, laboratory finding and changes in umbilical artery Doppler result of women with preeclampsia in Mongolia.

Material and methodology: Delivery records of 2334 mothers who delivered at delivery departments of 21 aimags, two maternity homes of Ulaanbaatar and Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of MCHRC in 2007-2008 and 77 mothers with preeclampsia delivered at MCHRC from 2007 to the second quarter, 2009 were selected randomly and involved in the study. Umbilical artery Doppler ultrasonography examination was performed by “Sonoace-8000” ultrasound machine with С3-7 MHz abdominal probe. Information on childbirth and newborns was collected according to questionnaire and processed by SPSS-16.0 for windows software.

Study results: Mothers involved in research suffered from following problems such as headache n=1824, 917/50.3%/, neck stiff n=1669, 368/22.1%/, edema n=2096, 1460/69.7%/, oligouria n=1641, 175/10.7%/, epigastric pain n=1586, 100/6.3%/, nausea 222/13.7%/, nose bleeding n=1769, 15/0.8%/, seizure n=1800, 12/0.7%/, hypertension before coming to the hospital n=2040, 1808/88.6%/. 1862 or 79.8% of pre-eclamptic women’s general status were moderate, 307 or 13.2% of them were severe and 60 or 2.5% were very severe patients. Edema was present in 1639(70.2%) women, oligouria in 219(9.4%), anuria in 7(0.3%) women. In 968(59.7%), n=1621 women systolic arterial pressure was 140-159 mmHg; in 653(40.3%), n=1621 women systolic arterial pressure was higher than 160 mm Hg; 1458(78.1%), n=1868 diastolic arterial pressure was 90-109 mmHg, for 410(21.9%), n=1868 it was higher than 110 mmHg and average pulse rate was 82.7±15.9. Test results showed that 996 (99.8%), n=998 women had anemia; 42/6.4%/, n=658 women had low platelet count, 665 (60.2%), n=1105 women had proteinuria and in 114 (17.7%), n=644 women transaminase level was high. Umbilical artery Doppler ultrasonography result was normal for 33.8% (n=26) of pre-eclamptic mothers, and was changed or resistance index was increased for 66.2% (n=51).

Conclusion: Main symptom of pre-eclampsia – headache was present in 50.3%, edema in 70.2%, systolic arterial pressure was 140-159 mmHg in 59.7%, and in 40.3% it was higher than 160 mm Hg. In 78.1% diastolic arterial pressure was 90-109 mmHg, in 21.9% it was higher than 110 mmHg.  According to a laboratory tests anemia (99.8%) and proteinuria (60.2%) were more common for pre-eclamptic women. Most common changes during severe pre-eclampsia revealed by Doppler were increased resistance index, absence of diastolic waveform and reverse flow. Umbilical artery Doppler ultrasonography result was normal for 33.8% (n=26) of pre-eclamptic mothers, and was changed or resistance index was increased for 66.2% (n=51).


Нийтлэлийн нээгдсэн тоо: 1
Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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