Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Эх барих, эмэгтэйчүүд, хүүхэд судлалын сэтгүүл, 2009, 2(6)
Эмэгтэйчүүдийн шээс задгайрлын тархалтыг Улаанбаатар хотын нөхцөлд судалсан нь
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Г.Санждорж1, Б.Жав2, Т.Эрхэмбаатар1, Б.Шижирбаатар1, С.Наранзаяа



Study aim: To detect urinary incontinency level among women in Ulaanbaatar city and identify risk factors leading to the emergence and the prevalence of gynecological urinary incontinency.

Materials and methods: A research into the prevalence of gynecological urinary incontinency was conducted in 6 districts of Ulaanbaatar city, totally involving 236326 women, aged 20-80. The research was conducted using cross sectional methodology.

Study results: An in-depth analysis which was made on the replies to the question “Do you have urinary incontinency?” revealed 768 cases (32.2%) of urinary incontinency among the women involved in the research. These cases which were identified with urinary incontinency were further studied for their age, educational background and occupation as influencing factors resulting in this pathology. It was revealed while women aged 20-39 represented 19.3-29.3% of all the cases with urinary incontinency, women aged over 40 represented 44.8-69.2%. By looking at the fact that urinary incontinency occurs more commonly in women aged over 40 (p<0.001), we can conclude that the number of urinary incontinency cases increases as the age of women goes up (r=0.3, level of statistical significance p<0.01). In terms of occupational influence, urinary incontinency was commonly found (p<0.001) among women having unseated jobs, such as a cook (47.7%) and cold work environment, such as sales people (67.4%). The urine incontinency rate for women who had given a birth three times previously was 44.2% which is 22.9% higher than the rate for women with one time previous birth. Also the pathology rate for women who had given a birth five times previously was 51.6% which is 30.9% higher than the rate for women with one time previous birth. This shows that the number of urinary incontinency cases has got a weak correlation with the number of birth increases.


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Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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