Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2012, 1(9)
Research for operations type, morbidity And mortality of jaundice
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Unursaikhan Ch1*, Dulamsuren B2*,Sergelen O2

1 “Etugen” Medical University of Mongolia,


2Heailt Sciences University of Mongolia


Our research objective is the improvement of surgery result between some pathogenic factors of billiard and pathologic tract and type of biliary track disease, specific characteristics of the treatment, operation method, technique, and risks.


The research has been done by retrospective and descriptive methods in the history of disease of 541 patients who were under operation treatment at the Central Clinical Hospital in 2000-2001. We have studied operation treatment types, morbidity and mortality of jaundice.


In the survey 541 customers were involved; 56.6% are women and 43.4% men. 24,2% were women in the age of 50-59 years old and 24.7% were 60-69 years old men. In the age-group between 50 and 59 years jaundice shows high rates. It can be shown that there is a regional influence for the patients; 66.9% of patients from the Khangai region and 3.5% from the Gobi region have jaundice dominantly. 57.1% of customers had intoxication, 6.3% pancreatit, 2.4% lever deficit, and 2.4 renal deficits. Especially intoxication /P<0.001/, lever deficit /P<0.0001/, renal deficits /P<0.0001/, and pancreatit /P<0.05/ influenced the morbidity and mortality after operation.


Choosing the right zusleg directly influences the result of the operation. More symptoms became apparent among the participators in the survey: 65.8% yellow skin, 69,5% yellow eyes, and 64% have done Cohers incisions. After the operation 76.9%  improve yellow (P<0.0001), 81.3% abdominal adhesion (P<0.005) , 54% bile tracts adhesion after operation (P<0.031), 85.2% acute hepatitis (P<0.029), 30.1 % pneumonia (P<0.039), 91.7 % PCES (P<0.0001), and set stitch (P<0.09).


Нийтлэлийн нээгдсэн тоо: 540
Судлаачдын бусад өгүүлэл
Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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