1Outpatient clinic, Second General Hospital
2Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, HSUM
3School of Medicine, HSUM
4Department of Nephrology, HSUM
During the recent years the complications of diabetic nephropathy have become the leading cause of kidney failure and initiate renal disorders are located in the 2nd and 3rd places in America and some counties of Asia and Europe. Diabetic nephropathy has been increasing dramatically that accounts high proportion of deaths. Objective of this study was to study diabetic nephropathy among Type 2 DM patients in Ulaanbaatar. The prevalence of nephropathy of Type 2 DM was studied by hospital based cross sectional method. The sample size was calculated by a formula, estimating prevalence 40%, error 0.25%, and 95% confidence interval. Health questionnaire, physical examination and blood and urine test analyses were done. The study was performed in the 2nd general hospital between June 2010 and April 2011. In the study 123 (58.6%) males aged between 35 and 89, 87 females (41.4%) were participated. The mean age was 60.3 ±10,8. From total number of patients 69.4% were at 55 and older age. It was determined that 14.8% among 210 patients involved in the study had nephropathy. The nephropathy prevalence was increased by age and was the highest among elder patients. Proteinuria level of diabetic nephropathy was: less than 0.5g/L in 6.1%, 0.5-1.0g/L in 3.3%, 1.1-2.9% in 3.8%, more than 3.0g/L in 1.4. In conclusion, prevalence of diabetic nephropathy among patients with type 2 diabetes was 14.8%. In comparison with females the nephropathy prevalence was higher in males. Distribution of diabetic nephropathy has a tendency to increase with the increase of age and period of illness among patients.
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