Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2007, 2(4)
KAP study of cervical and breast cancer screening by family doctors in mongolia
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Angarmurun D. , Avirmed D~, Chimedsuren O 

School of Public Health, Health Sciences University of Mongolia

^National Cancer Center


The prevalence of communicable disease has been decreasing due to improvements of hygiene, accessibility and organization of health care and demography. On the contrary, the prevalence of non-communicable disease has been increasing because of migration from urban to rural areas and urbanfzation. As of 2005, breast cancer and cervical cancer among women were taking the first two places. The incidence of cervical cancer is 11.5 and breast cancer 3.7 per 100000 women. Early screening and diagnosis has great importance in decreasing cancer mortality and increasing the longevity of women who suffer from cervical and breast cancer. The success of early detection depends on the knowledge, attitude and practice of doctors who are providing primary health care. In the framework of project "Health Sector Development", a family hospital system has been established in Mongolia since 2002 and currently 240 family hospitals are being operated nationwide. Early detection is one of the main health care priorities that should be provided by soum, inter soum doctors and family doctors. They are obligated to have the proper knowledge and skills to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. As of 2005, 20 percent of cancer was diagnosed in the I—11 stage and 80 percent in the III-IV stage. This shows that the early detection rate is very low. Longevity of patients suffering from cancer depends on early detection. Only 32.8 percent (country average) of patients with breast cancer live for 5 years or more after they are diagnosed while the five year survival is only 15.8 percent for patients with the same condition in the Western region. Cancers in Mongolia are diagnosed in their late stages and likely this is due to unavailability of early detection and insufficient knowledge and skills to diagnose early. For these reasons, this study was carried out.

Ном зүй

1. Mongolian statistical data, 1999-2006, National Statistical Office, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
2. Ariel.L.M Cleary J.B, 1994, Breast\"cancer diagnosis and treatment, New-York, pp. 144-154
3. Gastrim, 1991 Breast cancer control, Stockholm, pp.65 - 85
4. Miller A.B., 1994, Screening detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, Geneva, pp.45-98
5. Anderson P.E., 1997, Genetic and the etiology of breast cancer, pp.41-48
6. Public Health in the new millenium, Ministry of Health, National Center for Health Development, pp.31-42
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8. Megevand E., Denny L., Blonch B., 1996, Acetic acid visualization of the cervix:an alternative to cytologic screening, Obstetric Gynecology, Vol. 3,pp.383-
9. WHO report, 2006, Cervical cancer screening in Developing countries, (available at Accessed Aug.01.2007)
10. Exploring Older Women\'s Approaches to Cervical Cancer Screening, 2006, accessed in Sep.2007, available at


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Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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