Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2007, 1(4)
Historical review of the indio-tibetan medicine development in mongolia
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Ganbayar Ya.', Tumurbaatar N.' 1

School of Traditional Medicine, Health Sciences University of Mongolia


We have studied the History of Introducing of Indio-Tibetan Medicine In Mongolia. In Mongolia during of Mongolian ancient ancestors Hunnu (IV BC-II AD), Sianbi (II-IV AD), Ikh Nirun (IV-VI) and Tureg Dynasty (VI-VIII), Uigur Dynasty (IX-X AD) Ayurveda (Indian Medicine) was introduced with Buddhism from the Middle Asian countries Kushan, Khotan, Sogd and Uigar. Tibetan Medicine began introduced to Mongolia under the deep influence of Buddhism since XIII century. Mongolian first Medical School, followed the Tibetan tradition, was established in 1662. In Mongolia were established more than 100 Medical Schools from 1662-1937. 26 Ayurvedic treatises were translated into Mongolian language and published in 1742-1749. Since XIV century Mongols have been translated Tibetan Medical books into Mongolian language. We registered more than 10 Tibetan Medical textbooks in Mongolian Language. Mongolian scholars had wrote many commentaries to Tibetan Medical textbooks.

Ном зүй

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29.L.Khurelbaatar (2002). \"Wisdom of Sudar and Shastir\". Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philology and Literature. Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia. 30.Janjaa Hutagtu Rolbiidorj (1641). \"Merged Garku-iin oron hemeku toil bichig\" // \"Tibetan-Mongolian Dictionary\". Compiled by Jamyan-Tubden., Zorigt
(1988). Khukh Khot. China 31.Mongolian Tanjur: Volume \"Se\", \"He\", \"E\", \"Ko\", \"Kho\", Go\", Do\". In Mongolian old script. Size each Volume 71.2x22.5 sm.
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33.Mongolian Kanjur: In Mongolian old script. Size each Volume 71.2x22.5 sm.Volume \"Za\", \"Nga\", \"Gi\". Font of Rare books in The State Central Library of
34.Bstan agyur nang gi gso ba rig pa^i skor gyi dpi tshogs. gso ba rig pai rtsa agrel bdam bsgrigs. Deb dang po. rDo rje rgyalpos bdam bsgrigs. Mi rigs dpi
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35.Kh.Luvsanbaldan (1975). \"The Treatises in Mongolian Tod Script\". Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philology and Literature. Ulaanbaatar.
36.Yutog Yondon Gombo. \"Rasiyan-ujiruken naiman gesigutu niguca ubadis-un undusu. // \"The Four Medical tantras\". Translated by MinjuurTsorj. Size 44x10
sm. In Mongolian Old Script. Published In Peking, pp 1-420
37.Desrid Sanjaijamsu. Rasiyan u jiruken naiman gesigutu niguea ubadis-un erdem-un undusun-u nemegsen arga ebersiyel qalagun-u enelge-i arilgagei abur
eag busu-iin ukul-un ealma-i ogtolugei ildun sDe Srid Sangs rGyas rGya mTso. \"The Additional Method of Secret Oral Root\". Translated into Mongolian by
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\"Traditional Medicine: Current Situation and Future Status\". Abstract book. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
39.Blo-bzangbSdan-adzin rGyal-mtshan. gSobarig pa0i rdza rgyud kyi grel pa sal ba^i sgron me // Lubsandanzanjantsan. \"Clarifying mirror of complicated
meanings of root Tantra\". Size 59.5x9.5 sm. In Tibetan Language. Published In Lamiin Gegeenii Khuree of Mongolia, pp.1-41
40.bKa bcu bLo bZang bKra
Shis. Man ngag rgyud kyi gnad don rab gsal ngo mtsar jug sgo // Lubsandashi. \"The Commentary to Secret Oral Tantra of Four Medical Tantras\". In
Tibetan Language. Size 35x9.3 sm. pp. 1-203
41 .sMan ram pa Yondon. dPal ldan rgyud bzhi\'i btus ming bzhin ras gsal pa\'i me long // Yondon. \"Clarifying
dictionary of names selected to the four medical tantras\". Size xlO sm. In Tibetan Language, pp. 1-368
42. Lung Rig bsTan Dar. Sman gyi rgyud bzhi^i brda don ga zhig dkrol ba mam rgyal a-ru-ra0i phreng baeM mdzes rgyan // Lunrig Dandar. \"Beautiful
ornament of arura -full commentary of complicated words and meanings of Four Medical Tantras\". Size 44x9 sm. In Tibetan Language, pp. 1-435
43.Sngag ram pa ZIo bzang dBang rgyal. bDud rtsi snying po yan lag brgyad pa gsang ba man ngag gyon tan rgyud kyi Ihan thabs zug rngu\'i tsha gdung sel
ba\'i kabur dus min achi zhags gcod ba\'i ral gri zhes bya ba\'i mchan rgyab dang ces ba bzhugs so Luvsanbanjal. \"The commentary of the complicated
meanings and words of The Additional Method of Secret Oral Root\". In Tibetan Language. Size 55x11.5 sm.pp.1-392
44.Lung Rig bsTan Dar. Man ngag Ihan thabs kyi dka0 gnas brda dkrol rnam rgyal gser mdog gi phreng ba // Lunrig Dandar. \"Savior conquering golden
garland of ar-ur of complicated meanings and words of The Additional method of Secret Oral Tantra\". Size 44x9 sm. In Tibetan Language. Published In
Tariatiin Khuree of Mongolia. pp.1-130

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