Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Дорно дахины уламжлалт анагаах ухаан, 2012, 2(3)
( Тойм өгүүлэл )
In October 2011 Regional Committee meeting endorsed the Regional Strategy for
Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific (2011–2020) which provides guidance for
countries and areas, WHO, development partners and other stakeholders on how to
maximize the health potential of traditional medicine, and advance the cause of primary
health care and universal access to health services for the people of the Region.
Strategy advocates inclusion of traditional medicine in the national health system,
promotes access and use of safe and effective traditional medicine, encourages
protection and sustainable use of traditional medicine resources and supports greater
cooperation in generating and sharing traditional medicine knowledge and skills.
The Regional Strategy for Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific (2011–2020)
presents a balance between continuity and change, tradition and innovation.
Generally, the challenges for the future development of traditional medicine inthe
Region are related to framing policy, the development and enforcement of regulatory
standards for practice and products, guidance for the assessment of quality, safety and
efficacy, education and training, access and equity to traditional medicine products and
services, and the safety monitoring of traditional medicine. An overarching challenge
for all countries and areas is finding the required financial and human resources to meet
these challenges. Therefore in new strategy emphasis has been given to:
· the values of primary health care and the contribution of traditional medicine to
universal access;
· importance of cooperation and the sharing of information to support the quality,
safety and efficacy of traditional medicine; and
· protection and conservation of indigenous health resources, including traditional
knowledge and bio-resources.
The complex nature and the interdependence of many of the tasks, and the resources
necessary to accomplish the Strategic Objectives for 2011–2020 have been taken into
account in framing the directions and actions of the Regional Strategy for Traditional
Medicine in the Western Pacific (2011–2020). It is understood that, where and as
appropriate, considerations with respect to the implementation of the Strategic
Objectives for 2011–2020 will be based on national capacities, locally established
priorities, relevant legislation, and on evidence of quality, safety and efficacy. Although
the path to implementing the Strategic Objectives will be different in each country and
area, where it is helpful, guidance based on groupings of countries facing similar
challenges has been provided.
It is recommended that, where relevant and appropriate, countries and areas use the
Regional Strategy for Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific (2011–2020) as a
EVIDENCE-BASED DEVELOPMENT (8 - 9 July, 2012, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
framework for the development of specific national traditional medicine programmes.
Country-specific strategic plans should be based on the principles of evidence-based
traditional medicine and its respectful coexistence with Western medicine.
Each country and area is encouraged to carefully select and define a set of indicators to
measure progress in implementing the Strategic Objectives which is appropriate for the
contemporary and projected status of traditional medicine in their health system. It is
intended that the indicators selected by countries and areas will provide useful guidance
in decision-making, in identifying needs with respect to requests to WHO, and provide
a basis for future planning for the enhancement of traditional medicine.
WHO will actively advocate and promote the Strategic Objectives of the Regional
Strategy for Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific (2011–2020) in countries and
areas and among development partners and other stakeholders at the regional and
country level, in planning and coordinating actions for country support.
WHO can play a leading role to support regional initiatives, tailored to the current
capacities, capabilities and aspirations of countries and areas, which offer scope for
improving and harmonizing standards over time, avoiding duplication, sharing
information and facilities, and promoting appropriate mutual recognition arrangements
for traditional medicine standards within the Region.
WHO will continue to develop source materials for reference or adaptation by countries
and areas.

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Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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