Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2004, 1(1)
The attitude, knowledge and needs of adolescents on sexual and reproductive health among adolescents from secondary schools, Ulaanbaatar city
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B.Jargalsaikhan, BJav

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine,

Health Sciences University of Mongolia,


The purpose of this study was to evaluate Sexual and Reproductive Health knowledge, attitude and needs of a number of adolescents of age 14-18 and school teachers from secondary schools of Ulaanbaatar city. To assess knowledge, attitude, needs on Sexual and Reproductive Health through Focus group Discussion and specially worked Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) among the adolescents and school teachers. The MCQ was conducted among 510 randomly selected school children (285 girls and 225 boys) aged 13-18 from selected schools #13, 40, 86, and 93 from Ulaanbaatar city. Baseline data was collected with respect to adolescents knowledge of RH using a pre-test questionnaire with comprised about 29 set of MCQ about contraception, problem between girlfriends and boyfriends, sex, media education, STIs, HIV/AIDS, tobacco and alcohol. Most of the adolescents have very insufficient knowledge on contraceptives.74.7% of girls has knowledge on condoms, while this rate is 92.5% in boys. 56.8% of girls and 66.4% of boys gave "YES" answering the question "Can teenagers use contraceptive methods?" that demonstrates that they have poor knowledge on this matter. Although 90% of adolescents have heard of STIs, they have no sufficient knowledge on their symptoms. 52% out of total number of adolescents know about gonorrhea, 30% of them know about trichomoniasis, 20.5% know about syphilisis and 96% know about HIV/AIDS. 79% of the participants of the survey have answered that they have extreme need in information on family planning, pregnancy, contraceptives, STIs and HIV/AIDS which demonstrates big need in this kind of information. Adolescents have a great need in RH information, most of them do not know where to get this kind of information, and source of such information is not available for some of them. For some of them the received information is not sufficient and does not meet needs of adolescents. Most of participants of the survey agree that RH information is insufficient.


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