Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2004, 1(1)
Some improvements of training content and staged training system of nursing education in Mongolia
( Тойм өгүүлэл )

S Naranchimeg

Nursing Faculty, Health Sciences University of Mongolia


The nursing care is an inherent part of health care system and international trend to its conception and tendency is undergoing substantial changes for last several years enabling to develop it as an independent nursing science. The existing nursing education content on each level can not meet current social needs despite the multi-level nursing education system used in Mongolia similarly as in other countries with developed nursing science. The existing nursing education program is still based on an old model of training of "feldshers" where nursing subject occupies less than 10 percent of the total subjects covered. Among the studied countries, the countries with developed nursing science use the credit system and have four levels nursing education system based on Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctor training. In order to improve quality of nursing care it is important to provide the Nursing Units at Health care institutions with professional management and trained nurses with Bachelor degree. The developed nursing education staged model is based on current economic capacity and social needs of the country and proposed as the best optimum version at present situation for nurses to improve their professional background at the working place.


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