Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Mongolian Journal of Health Sciences, 2011, 1(8)
A Morphological study on the hard tissue facial profile of Harmonious Mongolian females
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Tsolmon J, Ganjargal G, Amarsaikhan B

School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Mongolia,
S Zorig street, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Cephalometric analysis is used to identify the patient’s deviation from so-called normal values. These normal values are derived from an untreated sample of subjects from the same racial or ethnic group. Regardless of the type of comparative samples used, a major drawback of cephalometric diagnosis is the use of isolated craniofacial parameters, without taking into account their possible interdependence. Even though the cephalometric measurements of subjects lie beyond one standard deviation from the population norm, measurement can still be considered acceptable if certain relationships are maintained. The objective of our study is to establish normative data of cephalometric analysis for Mongolian female adults. From 96 young Mongolian females 36 adults were selected for the study (mean age 20.16). Mongolian adults were selected based on the following criteria: well-balanced profile, ideal or near ideal occlusion and no craniofacial deformity or history of orthodontic treatment. The selected subjects were Mongolians (by nationality) born and living in Mongolia. The cephalograms were traced on matted acetate tracing papers and digitized for the micro-computer analysis. Downs, Northwestern, Steiner, Tweed, and Wylie analysis were used for measuring. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and ranges) were calculated for all measured variables. Student’s t tests were performed to assess the interracial differences. Mongolian females had more hyperdivergent proclined mandibular incisors compared to Caucasian females. Maxillae were retrognatic and incisors were lingually inclined compared to Korean females revealing that Mongolian females had a straighter profile than Korean females. When compared to Japanese females, Mongolian females had prognatic mandible and more lingually inclined incisors. Upper facial height and size were greater in Mongolian females than Japanese.

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