Монголын Уламжлалт Анагаах Ухаан, 2013, 2(2)
On some issues of healthy nutrition for the population of the Republic, Buryatia
( Тойм өгүүлэл )
The analysis of the laboratory investigations gave evidence that the stably high specific
weight of samples do not meet to the sanitary-chemical indicators. It should be noted
that there is a significant reduction of portion of non-standard samples of food-stiffs for
children nutrition.
The improvement of the population’s health and life quality is one of the priority tasks of
the State and community of the contemporary Russia. These questions are closely connected
with the solution of demographic problems. The nutrition of the population is one of the
leading criteria of life quality and a factor determining the health of the nation [1-3].
Malnutrition may cause the development of various diseases [4-7].
In recent years it has been noted that the structure of population, nutrition is characterized
by deficiency of vitamins and essential microelements. The poor supply of micronutrients
with food is the common problem of the developed countries. It occurred as inevitable
consequence of low energy demands and relative decrease of the whole food, consumed
by a contemporary individual. Along with the decrease of energy demands the ration of
the contemporary person became monotonous, lost variety, reduced to the poor standard
set of main groups of products and ready meals. The increase of refined, high-caloric food
which is poor of vitamins and mineral substances, as well as the increase of food subjected
to conservation and intense technological processing in the ration unavoidably leads to the
loss of vitamins.
The problem of sanitary-epidemiological control to provide quality and safety of foodstuffs
has received a new development by enacting the federal law “Quality and safety
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Bogdanova O.G Healthy nutrition for the population of the Republic, Buryatia
expiration date.
The share of samples of food material and products,
no meeting hygienic norms by microbiological indices,
is in range 4.6-2.9%. In all branches of food industry
in the region the quantity of unsatisfactory samples by
microbiological indices has tendency to level.
The main sources of energy in the ration of respondents
were bread and bakery (this group of products gave 26.7%
of energy), meat products (19.6%), food fats (14.1%),
sugar and confectionary (13.2%). The sources of protein
were meat products (37.2%) and bakery (14.1%); the
sources of fats –food fats and meat products; the sources
of carbohydrates-bakery and confectionary. Vegetables,
fruit and juices were the main sources of vitamins A, B1,
B6, C, PP, magnesium, potash and cobalt. The content of
the main food groups, namely bread and bakery; milk
and dairy products; meat and fish products totaled 14.1%;
9.3%; 7.3%; 1.7% respectively.
91.6% of population did not follow the recommendations
concerning caloric content of the food. A half population
(50.8%) was noted to have a “shift” of caloric content
increase towards evening. The result of polling have shown
that the time of food intake is limited in 27.0±2.95% of
population, in men it occurs significantly more often than
in women, 35.1% and 22.8% respectively (p=0.034).
Thus, the problem of nutrition rationalization, bringing
the ration to conformity with real physiological needs of
a person requires serious system solutions in the part of
organization, systematization and standardization of the
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