Инноваци - Шинэ Санаа, Шинэ Нээлт, 2014, 14(8-3)
Effects of air pollution on infant’s birth-weight in Ulaanbaatar city in 2012
( Илтгэлийн хураангуй )
1 - Эпидемиологи Биостатистикийн тэнхим,НЭМС,АШУҮИС Холбоо барих утас:99189915; 2 - НЭМС,АШУҮИС; 3 - Эрүүл мэндийн хөгжил-4 төсөл, Азийн хөгжлийн банк
Air pollution issue has become the largest problem of Ulaanbaatar city in the last decade affecting health and wellbeing of its citizens. Air pollution levels are increasing considerably in winter as a result of coal burning by city dwellers living in ger areas. Our study purpose was to survey the impact of air pollution on infant health of Ulaanbaatar city in 2012.
Data of 7484 on births at Khan-Uul and Sukhbaatar districts residence mothers and infants of Ulaanbaatar city from 2012 and corresponding daily air pollution level data (CO, NO2, SO2 and PM10) from the Ulaanbaatar city air quality monitoring stations were used.
Air pollution levels in Ulaanbaatar city significantly affect birth outcomes. Exposure to high levels of СО2 of during the third trimester of pregnancy reduces newborn’s weight. Exposure to NO2 is not influencing to newborn’s weight. Mothers who lived in more polluted area during pregnancy period more likely had baby reduced weight in 44 grams.
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