Монголын Анагаахын Сэтгүүлүүдийн Холбоо (МАСХ)
Монголын анагаах ухаан, 2015, 1(171)
Сэлэнгэ мөрний сав газрын ойролцоох сумдын хүн амын дундах гэдэсний халдварын өвчлөлийг судалсан дүнгээс
( Судалгааны өгүүлэл )

Л.Нямсүрэн1, О.Оюун-Эрдэнэ1, Э.Туяа1,Б.Доржханд1Э.Эрдэнэчимэг2, Б.Бурмаажав3, И.Болормаа1

1Нийгмийн эрүүл мэндийн үндэсний төв, 2Анагаахын шинжлэх ухааны үндэсний их сургууль-НЭМС, 3Монголын анагаах ухааны академи



Waterborne diseases, especially diarrhea, related to water quality and safety, personal sanitation and hygiene have been still reported very high in developing countries. Globally, there are an estimated 1.4 million cases of hepatitis A every year. The hepatitis A virus is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person. Hepatitis A is associated with a lack of safe water and poor sanitation [2].

Dysentery is bloody diarrhea, i.e. any diarrheal episode in which the loose or watery stools contain visible red blood. Dysentery is most often caused byShigella species (bacillary dysentery) or Entamoeba histolytica (amoebic dysentery) [3].

Kharaa and Orkhon River are tributaries of the Selenge River-basin, in which many mining and other industries, agriculture, and residential areas reside. It has become a one pollutant factor for water of the Kharaa and Orkhon rivers. As a result, water of the Tuul, Kharaa and Orkhon River was reported to be highly contaminated (Mongolian Human Development Report 2010: Water and Development report) [4]. 


The aim of the research was to study incidence of gastrointestinal infectious diseases among population of soums are located in Selenge River Basin.

Materials and Methods

Data on health statistics 2009-2013 years of gastrointestinal infectious diseases, including dysentery, diarrhea, hepatitis A virus and others, were collected and analyzed.


Incidence of dysentery was registered highly among people who live in Mandal soums in 2009-2013 years. But incidence of dysentery (per 10 000 population 2.82) among population ofMandal soum lower than the Selenge province and National average. Incidence of hepatitis A virus was registered highly among people who live in Orkhon (74.46), Orkhontuul (48.86) soums and it was greater than 1.3-2 times than the Selenge province average. Incidence of diarrhea was registered highly among people who live in Khushaat soum and it was greater than 2.18-3.8 times the than Selenge province average


Incidences of diarrhea and hepatitis A virus were registered highly in Orkhon, Orkhotuul and Khushaat soums compared to other target soums and it was greater than 1.3-3.8 times than the Selenge province average.

Especially, these diseases were registered highly among 0-16 aged children.

Key words: Gastrointestinal infectious diseases, Selenge River Basin, Water borne diseases

Pp. 30-35, Tables 2, Figures 6, References 12

Нийтлэлийн нээгдсэн тоо: 25
Зохиогчийн эрх хуулиар хамгаалагдсан. Дэлхийн Эрүүл Мэндийн Байгууллага, ©  2012.
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